This is the kind of world I believe in...the kind of world that matters...ask yourself...would you have done the same? Maybe you would...maybe you wouldn't....but what matters is does this change you? Will it make you think about how you treat people? While the politicians argue between themselves I challenge you all to build a world that teaches the right kind of do the right thing...#ifkidscaninspiresocan adults!!
Children see the world differently...they've not yet been tarnished by the fate of scepticism...they see (for the most part) a unified world...they don't care where you come from...the colour of your skin...your religion...and they sure as heck care not for political beliefs.
Children see the world differently...they've not yet been tarnished by the fate of scepticism...they see (for the most part) a unified world...they don't care where you come from...the colour of your skin...your religion...and they sure as heck care not for political beliefs.