Thursday, 26 April 2018

It starts with 1!

1 thought, 1 conversation, 1 idea, 1 word, 1 press-up, 1 mile... what ever it is, it all begins with 1.

New challenges can seem so very daunting, too big to achieve for many reasons, it’s going to take a long time, take many attempts, many failures, too much money, etc.

Is this really a good enough reason to simply give up on your dreams, goals and ambitions?

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Old Dogs and New Tricks 

The saying goes ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. That’s just BS. It’s about finding tricks that the dog is Interested in... with the right reward!

Such is life. You are unlikely to want to make a change in your life if that change isn’t to do something you truly want to do, something to enjoy, something meaningful. If the reward for change is aligned with our needs, then most people will find the motivation for change.