Friday, 27 April 2012

Fun Friday - Rain Rain Don't Go Away

Happy Friday everyone and welcome to the most exciting day of the week!!!...or is it?

Everyone counts the days as they go by until Friday is here and the start of the weekend...when they can go out, have fun, see friends, go shopping, play golf, do what ever it is that makes you happy.

But why does that just have to happen on a weekend?  Why wait all week to have fun?  Surely you'd be more happy if you were having fun during the week to...right?

I for one don't restrict myself to just the weekends to do the things I enjoy or see friends.  Now clearly I don't have children as yet and so I do fully appreciate that not everyone has my luxury of free time...but does that mean you literally have no time at all to do the things you enjoy?  

Perhaps I live in a dream alternate reality...but surely that can't be what life is about...a life of no fun, constant routine and no sense of adventure?  Generally, there are two of you in the relationship with the child, each of you having the things you used to enjoy before your bundle of joy arrived.  So why can't you pick up those things again?  Compromise, sharing of responsibility...that's what needs to happen!

Unless I'm part of a dying breed, I'd say there are many men out there that would be prepared to look after the children for at least 1 evening a week while his wife/partner takes a break to go and see friends, to go to the gym, to what ever it is that gives her a sense of enjoyment...guys... come on...wake up...smell the coffee...if she's reap the rewards...the next time you go out, you're less likely to get ear ache :-) to fun fun fun...Rain....Rain ...Rain more like....yes it's what...when was the last time you went out and stood in the rain?  Remember back when you were a child....when all you wanted to do was put your wellies on and go out in the street and splash in puddles and get soaking wet?  Remember how much fun that was???  Just because you're a grown up...doesn't mean you can't still do it...grab your child...put your wellies and your coats on and go and have some fun...I guarantee that when you're ready to come back in you will have a big smile on your face from laughing so much.

'But I'll get all wet!' my brother Oliver constantly reminds us...we have the most naturally waterprrof thing on us...our skin!!! so wheres there harm? Don't worry about your clothes....simple...throw them straight in the washing machine and yourself in a nice hot shower/bath.

So I say go enjoy the rain before the summer arrives and you crave the rain to come and cool things down a bit.

Have a great weekend everyone...and remember...make every day a weekend...bring back the fun!

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