Thursday, 23 August 2012

Regrets...I've had a few...but then I haven't

Today's post is short but very direct... I wanted something punchy.. Something that didn't take 5 minutes to read... Something that would instantly fire you up... And if it doesn't... least I tried... Can you say the same?

Why regret not starting something a year ago? Start it now... Do it.. Try it... Enjoy the experience... Gain the knowledge.. Have the memories... Above all... Be able to say to yourself... 'I did it'... And not 'I wish I had'!!!

Come on people...are you with me???

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

One Good Deed Does Not Deserve Another

The title may sound a little harsh but hear me out on this one...

I've heard many a person complain that no one ever does anything for them and so they are not going to do anything for anyone sad this makes me!!!

We should not spend our lives expecting nor waiting for others to do things for us, help us or make our lives easier and expecting others to do good deeds for us and show us a bit of human kind.