Wednesday, 15 August 2012

One Good Deed Does Not Deserve Another

The title may sound a little harsh but hear me out on this one...

I've heard many a person complain that no one ever does anything for them and so they are not going to do anything for anyone sad this makes me!!!

We should not spend our lives expecting nor waiting for others to do things for us, help us or make our lives easier and expecting others to do good deeds for us and show us a bit of human kind.

Why do I say this?'s simple really... it's because it builds up a certain expectation level that is unfair on everyone else to deliver upon when it is something that only exists in your is you that feels hard done by, you that feels bad or angry or disappointed, when everyone else is none the wiser and aren't aware of your expectation levels, they are happily going about their business.

But does this mean you should not carry out good deeds for others?  Absolutely not...nothing would ever get done if this were the case!!! If anything, quite the opposite...focus on helping others more...'are you mad' I hear you say?

Well, no!!!  The way I see it is that when someone does a good deed for me, I thank them and it makes us both feel because someone did something for you and them because they can clearly see they've made you happy...and it's this 'feel good' factor that I am focusing on.

I take great pleasure in helping others...I'm the helper type, whether it be at work, at home or out and about...helping someone cross the road, opening a door, saying 'bless you' when someone sneezes, putting the neighbors bin out, delivering, meals on wheels, what ever it is, I do it because I actually enjoy doing it, knowing I am helping someone else, and that makes me feel good, whether they thank me or not.

So what I'm trying to say is that you really shouldn't focus on whether anyone ever does anything for you because that will only promote and enhance negative thoughts in your mind.  Rather focus on doing good for others and get your 'feel good' and pleasure factor from that.

See it as a free gift to others and to costs nothing to help someone!!!  It can also be a great way to reduce your own stress levels and restore your faith in human kind, knowing that you are at least playing your part.  You have no control over what others do or don't do...let them be their own judge...let them be the ones who question human kindness.

Creating this positive world of your own, where you only focus on what you can influence is far more powerful than spending your time thinking negative thoughts about what you'd like from others.

So I once again challenge you...yes YOU...just try it...spend 1 month focusing on helping others, and I'm not just talking about stuff around the house, I'm talking about whilst you're out and about...does someone need a hand getting something off a shelf?  Is someone struggling to carry something to their car?  Does someone look lost and could use your local knowledge?  Hold a door open for someone and see their reaction, if they don't say thank you..don't feel bad or get angry, take the positive energy from did a good deed!

In my humble opinion, you will discover a much happier world...and when and IF someone does do a good deed for will have a deeper appreciation and be able to show your appreciation with sincerity!

Make every day a 'Happy Helping Day'

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