Wednesday 28 May 2014

Well Being Wednesday - No Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

Good morning... And welcome to another beautiful day here on planet earth... All be it a damp one here in Surrey :)

A short but very blunt post today so don't expect my usual war and peace :) and I'm on the train with very little battery life left on my iPhone... Note... If anyone that works for Apple is reading this...on behalf of the entire iPhone population... Please... For love of everything that's holy...sort the battery life out of future iPhones... The 3 wasn't too bad.. The 4 was shocking and the 5...well it doesn't even last a day... Bring back Nokia 402 batteries that used to last 3 days!

Anyway...I digress...


All to often I meet people and hear stories of folk that say 'I just don't see any light at the end of the tunnel!'...well...I'm here to tell you quite're not in a tunnel...a tunnel has two if you can't see any light at the're in a cave and need to turn around and get out of there...try and find a different tunnel.

It's common to not see the light if you take on too much... Or too much is placed upon you and it takes a strong person to say 'no'.. 'Enough is enough.. I cannot take on any more'.

It also means that when you decided to go down a certain path, you did so without a clear sense of direction.. A sense of purpose.. An end goal and all the steps along the way defined.  Without that structure, it's easy to wander from the path and get yourself lost down a rat hole off the beaten track.

The art is to put frequent checks in place to see if you're still heading in the direction you first planned on.. If not.. Assess why... Can it be rectified or have you exhausted all resources that can help you get back on track?

If all avenues have been explored and yet the tunnel still has no end in sight... Then my suggestion is that this isn't the right path for you... You need to turn around.. Perhaps undo some of what you did that caused it to go wrong.. And then re-evaluate your plan... Tweak it... Or even write a new one :)

Doing the same things will get you the same outcomes... Learn to improvise, overcome and adapt (thanks heartbreak ridge)!

Much love and peace 


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