Thursday, 16 February 2012

Live For The Now...Keep Saying Yes

It’s been a few weeks since I wrote a good, positive, uplifting, motivational post so here goes…

Well… as the title suggests, it’s about living for the now, living in the moment, focus on the now, whichever way you care to phrase it…and…changing a positive into a negative…swap NO for YES.

A few people I know, naming no names of course, follow a downward spiral of fear and anxiety, triggered by a thought and not necessarily an event.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Pure Love...

Love comes in many different forms, comes with different feelings and emotions, makes us do things extraordinary… having that special someone that you would literally do anything for, move mountains, go to the ends of the earth for.  I pray that we’ve all been there at some point or another, pray that there are people in love like this…or else what are we here for?

Two people can create an amazing bond… an incredible attraction that never dies…that stays with them through difficult times, through thick and thin, richer or poorer…in sickness and in health.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Controversial Thursday - They Screwed It Up...Not Us!

I’m sure this subject will resonate with most of you, no matter which country you live in…The Financial Crisis!

As I watch the news on TV, listen to the radio and read the newspapers, I think to myself… Did we all go out and spend all our money?  Nope because then the economy would be pretty strong.  Did businesses start to sell stuff we don’t need or want?  Nope…we all still want the things they’re making.  Did our taxes go down so the governments revenues are down?  Nope…they keep going up.  Has the duty on petrol suddenly been halved?  Eerrrrr Nope!

So why they hell are our countries in such a financial mess?  Well there are a few reasons but the bottom line is…it is almost entirely attributed to sub-prime lending.