Friday 14 February 2014

It's not a's a gym!

By now, most people that have stayed with this blog, will have noticed that even I go through periods where I do no real gym work.. Yes I caddie.. Which is a tough walk.. But then I go through crazy phases of hitting the gym.. And hit it hard.

When people ask me about how I find time to exercise... My reply is simple...I don't find time... I stop finding excuses!

I hear the same things over and over again from people, giving all the reasons under the sun why they don't exercise... But very very few reasons why they do.  


Perhaps it's because they haven't really found the real reason to do it...the motivator to actually make a change.  

What also frustrates me in gyms these days is a total lack of respect and encouragement for those people that find exercise difficult... Perhaps yes, they are larger than most, have had illnesses that meant weight piled on, had a life event that sent them off the rails, perhaps a medical condition... Who knows... Certainly not you or those idiots that stand and stare and mock.

My principal is that I will never mock anyone that summons up the courage to walk through a gym door, or even out their own front door to perform some sort of exercise.  They've taken themselves up off the sofa and said enough is enough... I AM going to do something about it.  And that takes huge mental strength... So the next time you see not just an overweight person but ANYONE exercising... Look at yourself and ask...'what am I doing?'

So to help those that are home bound due to family commitments or perhaps crippled by the dear of a gym... I want to open your eyes to seeing your home, your domain, your safe your gym!!!

A chair isn't just a chair... It's a perfect 'Dip' machine to work your triceps and tone up those bingo wings!

There's a whole world of exercises you can do at home and never need to leave...but trust me... You'll eventually get stronger and stronger, fitter and slimmer...mentally stronger to the point where you'll look at yourself in the mirror and say 'why am I a prisoner in my own home?

Do you really need a Reebok step box? Nope.. Just use the bottom step of your stairs.. Or an outside step... Speaking of stairs.. Each time you go up them.. Don't just walk... Run up them... Walk back down.. Hey why not run up again... Do this a few times in a row and you'll definitely feel the burn.

Press ups can be done anywhere so there's no excuse not to tone those pecs.. Same goes for sit-ups.. Use a chair, the sofa.. Anything you can hook your feet under.. Do 20 sit-ups at a time 3,4,5 times a day and you'll give those abs a great workout.

A very cheap but effective piece of equipment to buy are resistance bands.. You know.. The stretchy elastic.... You can get a pack of 3 for about £5 from sports direct! There are a ton of exercises you can do with these for toning muscles!

Cleaning is actually a really good workout too!!! Before you start.. Have a coffee to help raise your body temperature and heart rate... Then Hoover away.. Great core and back workout... Clean the bathroom.. And dusting..Awesome shoulder workout! 

So whilst you might see them as chores... And they are.. There's a huge positive... You get a free workout... And burn lots of calories.

This doesn't give all you guys out there an excuse to make the mrs do all the chores and throw in 'pretend you're at the gym love'! Get off your arse and help her and get a workout too! 

So you don't spoil the good work... Reward yourself not with a cake or biscuits... How about... Rivita.. Topped with some ham and avocado.. With a bit of cracked pepper! 

In summary, there really is no excuse not to do some form of exercise.. You just need to change the way you look at how you go about your daily life and recognise that you probably do more than you think!

Have an awesome fit day!


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