Tuesday, 8 November 2011

OK Lee...You've made a start!

Sorry...I know I haven’t posted for a week or so but I want to explain why.

I wanted to ensure that the quality of my posts wasn’t compromised and that I wasn’t just writing for the sake of writing...who am I trying to satisfy by doing that?  Well actually, considering the blog is my way of being able to get things off my chest, the only person I need to please is me.  This isn’t meant in any way to be selfish, it’s just my way of talking about the things that interest me, concern me or that I have a valid and constructive opinion on.  I’m not about to start talking rubbish about stuff I know nothing about.  I want to keep things interesting for those that take time out of their day to stop by and read and hopefully come away from the blog feeling positive, having laughed, having felt a sense of relating to a post or hopefully, inspired to make a change...a positive one for themselves.

There are a few things I wanted to update you on that have been going on...things that I have had self realisations about...things that I needed to give myself a kick up the ass about...so not only am I aiming to help others, but by default, I’m making a concerted effort to practice what I preach...to improve myself, motivate myself, develop my mind, body and soul...and become the best person I can be...for myself and those around me.

A few weeks ago I was tough on myself in my article ‘Lee...You’ve Been Lazy’...where I talked about my desire to give time to charity and that I had not made any real effort to do so.  Well, I can happily report that I have done something about it.  I made much more of an effort to research local charities that I could get involved with.

The first one is called ‘Independent Age’.  They provide care and assistance to the elderly.  I have met with the Surrey coordinator and am on my way to becoming what is called a ‘Volunteer Visitor’.  This essentially means that I will be paired with 2-3 elderly people in the Surrey area that need help.  Now this can range from just checking in on them regularly, being available on the phone, taking them out for the day...but more importantly, giving them a sense of companionship.  To let them know there is someone out there that cares and wants to help.  Some just want somebody to talk to, others genuinely need help...i’m committed to helping on all levels.

The second charity that I’m now in contact with is Elmbridge Borough Council and their Volunteer Coordinator to establish how I can help in the local community whether it be at a care home or helping the elderly within my own council region.

The reason why I want to help the elderly is quite simple really.  I respect them for what they have been through, the sacrifices they’ve made and for making our country what it is today.  Whilst i am very much about looking ahead to build a better future, we must not forget those that got us to where we are.  We have so much to learn from them, if we just take the time to listen.

Thirdly, I am in contact with a couple of organisations that would allow a larger group of us to help...where I can bring people together that want to help.  Community projects that help improve the lives of many.  This is something I’ve wanted to get involved in for a while...but it’s tough deciding which ones to help because I want the aim to be to help those that cannot help themselves.  Honestly, if any of you out there know of a project that I can explore, I’m all ears...and if you want to join in, then that would be wonderful.

So what else have I been doing?  Well, Yoga...hhhmmmm  the jury is still out on that one as I explore Pilates too.  It is for the health benefits primarily as I have a bit of back trouble...but I’m finding they are having mind benefits too.  I’m finding my thoughts are clearer...I’m able to make better decisions...and actually take action.  Although I do have to confirm that I agree with the popular expression ‘behind every good man, is a good woman’.  It’s amazing when you get so much support and encouragement from someone that genuinely wants the best for you, to give you the drive to achieve...but most importantly, to keep you grounded...Thank you.

Books...well...I can honestly say, I have never in my life been so into reading as I am at this point in my life.  I currently have 6 books on the go!  All of which are feeding me with amazing advice, guidance, inspiration, direction...and a sense that we truly have to believe in ourselves...that we cannot just sit back and expect it to happen, but most importantly, there is no reason it cannot happen to you...or me.  The only thing getting in the way of us taking action is ourselves.

I am learning that even for the most successful people out there, it wasn’t easy, it didn’t fall on their lap...did they get some good breaks, yes...did they get help from others...definitely.  But the bottom line is that they kept putting themselves in situations that enabled positive things to happen.  They talked to people, they networked but most importantly, they built lasting relationships.  You never know what is around the corner, what opportunity will present itself, you need to be ready to grab it with both hands and have the people around you or available to you to make it happen.

2 of the books I’m reading are living proof that you don’t have to come from a privileged background to be successful.  Alan Sugar and Theo Paphitis certainly did not come from money...and look at them today.  From what I have read so far, the one thing that stands out within their books is...determination.  The desire to succeed...not quitting and to get back up again after a failure by learning from it and not making the same mistake again.  I still have a lot to learn from these books...am I looking to go into business right now?....No....so why am I reading the books?  Because I can use this information right now, today and every day to help progress my career and my own personal development... I currently work for a company...within a role that means I need to understand all elements of our business.  Learning from successful people about how to make a business successful can’t be a bad thing right.  I’m laying the foundations...for that one day when I feel the time is right to start my own company.

I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made...but let’s be clear...It’s just a start...there is much more to do and be achieved.  But I now feel I’m on the right path for personal success...and that’s what’s most important to me.

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