Monday, 18 November 2013

Motivational Monday - Detox Your Relationship

Hi's been such a long time since I wrote a 'Detox' post...I thought I'd make this one extra special.

The 'Detox' series is all about making changes in your life to have a positive remove things that are perhaps getting you down, making you sad, remind you of a bad time or person that hurt you.  Cleansing your mind, body and soul.

So this one I'm sure will resonate with many of you that have either just ended a relationship, are in a 'toxic relationship' or perhaps still haven't gotten over a previous one.

Relationships are the foundation of our society...they form the building blocks on which stability, order and happiness are built.  Without them we kind of just 'drift' along...alone...whilst you may be able to jump from partner to partner to satisfy your needs, it surely cannot fulfil your sense of belonging...your sense of purpose.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Thoughtful Tuesday - Broken Biscuits

I know I've had my quirky titles, this one being no what on earth am I talking about?  Well...put simply, I believe people are like the broken biscuits in the box.  

Disclaimer: For those not in the UK, I apologise if this analogy doesn't translate...but essentially, these are biscuits that were broken in the factory and as such, weren't put in the packets, instead they take all the different broken varieties of biscuits they make and put them in one box and sell them as broken very enterprising...selling on your waste....note to self...what other products could be sold even though they are broken???? :-)This blog is also not intended as a way of saying we are all broken...far from please stick with me...

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Motivational Monday - A Path To A New Comfort Zone

Bet you'd all thought I'd given up writing...some of you may even well have hoped I had :-) but I'm afraid you don't get rid of me that easily.

I was somewhat overwhelmed by the positive response from a large number of you, I felt compelled to write day after day...about the things that I enjoyed, things that bothered me and tried in my own special way to share some of my experiences and knowledge in the hope that I can inspire or encourage people to make a positive change.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Motivational Monday - Inspiration Isn't Just Kids Talk

This is the kind of world I believe in...the kind of world that matters...ask yourself...would you have done the same? Maybe you would...maybe you wouldn't....but what matters is does this change you? Will it make you think about how you treat people? While the politicians argue between themselves I challenge you all to build a world that teaches the right kind of do the right thing...#ifkidscaninspiresocanadults!!

Children see the world differently...they've not yet been tarnished by the fate of scepticism...they see (for the most part) a unified world...they don't care where you come from...the colour of your skin...your religion...and they sure as heck care not for political beliefs.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Thoughtful Tuesday: One Foot In Front Of The Other

This is the basic principal of step at a time...take things in...learn...adapt...overcome.

Don't try to cheat your way to things or hurry them on by taking leaps or'll just find that you forget something or that you fail in your quest and won't 'try' again.

I want to give you an example of how I practice what I 'preach' lol

Monday, 7 January 2013

Motivational Monday: Don't Become A Victim Of Yourself

Happy New Year to all my dedicated followers and welcome to new ones, your time is not only appreciated, but won't be wasted by looking through my posts.

Let's start the week with a large dose of positivity...and not focus on it being a new year...let these be lifetime resolutions.