Wednesday 26 October 2011

Well Being Wednesday - Detox Your Anger

This is quite a deep one today but hopefully it will give you some food for thought about how to not only recognise anger, but control it.

It’s within our human nature to have angry thoughts when presented with certain situations.  However, there are different degree’s of anger...irritation, annoyance, frustration, rage...and all need to be dealt with in different ways.

It all stems from our caveman/woman days...when we were being chased by larger predators or felt threatened by another human to the point where we fear for our lives...commonly known as ‘Flight/Fight’..meaning we either remove ourselves from the situation or we stay and fight for our lives...literally.

Monday 24 October 2011

Motivational Monday - Read Your Way To Success

It’s been a while since I’ve written a Motivational Monday blog...and the reason is because I’ve been doing some reading...and learning.

We are fortunate enough to live in an era that has so many publicly visible entrepreneurs that we can plug into...even if we don’t actually know them.

To think that we know it all and that we don’t need the advice of others is quite suicide.  Even the likes of Peter Jones and Alan Sugar constantly seek to do discover the next big thing or fun money making opportunity.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Why Women Should Love Golf

This one goes out to all those people that do not play golf and give their partner grief for playing it...(you could substitute it for any other sport that keeps him out of the house with his mates).

Clearly there are many thousands of women that enjoy playing golf, even if just for the social fact, the women at golf clubs seem to have more of a social side than the men do so fair play...but there are those that have zero interest in trying it and for some odd reason, hate it when their boyfriend/husband goes off at the weekend to play.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Well Being Wednesday - Detox Your Mind

This is part 2 of the ‘Detox’ series designed to help you focus on getting what you want.

It’s not rocket science that focusing your mind on what you want to achieve will without question bring positivity to you, your life and those surrounding you.

I’m a great believer in not moping around and most definitely not telling everyone that asks how I am, all my troubles.  We each have our own set of life challenges...daily, weekly,’s just a fact of life that we need to accept.  The sooner we accept that we aren’t being dealt all the bad cards in the world, the better you will feel and the happier you will be.  When people ask how I am I always respond ‘I am great thank are you?’.  Even if that is not technically correct, I am repeatedly telling myself I am great and the person asking gets a positive response...they really don’t want to hear you say ‘well actually, things are terrible, my life’s a mess, I hate my job, I don’t get paid enough, I work too hard, etc, etc’... Clearly we all need to unload on someone at some point...but let that be someone close to you, someone that understands you and can offer good sound advice...don’t unload on an unsuspecting work colleague that has no real interest and no way of being able to help.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Controversial Thursday - Crime & The Death Penalty

A very controversial subject for this week’s Thinking Thursday...but one I’d like to cover...and may need to come back to as time, circumstances and people change.

The last execution in the UK (by hanging) took place in 1964...this was prior to capital punishment being abolished for murder which happened in 1969 in Great Britain and 1973 for Northern Ireland...but yet the funny thing is...the death penalty remained on the statute book for certain offenses right up until 1998.

Now when you look at the history of this within England it would seem we used to use the death penalty for quite a lot... some 220 crimes to be precise... including... ‘being in the company of gypsies for one month’!   Between 1770 and 1830, 35000 death penalty sentences were handed down but only 7000 were carried out.

Friday 7 October 2011

"Quis Separabit"... X

Sean Clifford O'Brien 25 March 1925 to 23 September 2011

As me and my family embark on a difficult day, the funeral of Uncle Sean, I try to draw strength from those around me.  I am humbled by all the kind words that have been offered by many of my friends...people that never knew him and yet can understand our pain...the world really does have some amazing, caring, sensitive people...thank you.

When I look at his picture...surprisingly, I don't feel's difficult to describe what I feel...clearly sadness... but actually I draw a smile and feel emmensly proud of what this great man gave to us.

He cared about us all deeply and always comforted us in our hours of us the strength to get back up.

Today Uncle Sean, me, my brothers and cousin Richard, will do you the great honour of carrying you...where we can only hope to show you the respect and grace befitting an Irish Guard and an amazing human being.

"Quis Separabit"...'Who shall separate us?'

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Lee...You've Been Lazy!

Today’s post is really an action item for myself...something to drive my own behaviour...and if it drives you too...then that’s a bonus.

Helping the less fortunate or needy is something we should all get involved in.  We ourselves will one day be old or be unfortunate to become ill...and so will be dependent on others.  We might not be able to get to the shops to buy food, be able to stand to cook or even possibly unable to feed ourselves, unable to look after our house or garden or tend to paying bills...the everyday things that we all take for granted.  So who is there to care for us?  Clearly we would all like to think that our children and family will be around to take good care of us...but what about if they aren’t?  Who do we turn to?  Who is going to care enough to want to help me?

Monday 3 October 2011

I Love Travelling But...

Sometimes we lose touch with the past, we get wrapped up in our modern world of cars, planes, trains, work and holidays that we forget what is on our doorstep.  I for one was never any good at History at school... I tried.. ’god loves a tryer’ my mum says...and I managed to scrape a result.  I do very much enjoy listening to someone explaining about history...the stories behind things...the tales, letting your imagination run wild as you picture what life must have been like hundreds of years ago...I just struggle to remember it all!

So imagine casting your mind back to 1132!... no...not 11.32am or pm... I mean the year 1132...the place...Fountains Abbey...near Aldfield...2 miles south west of Rippon, North Yorkshire...England.