Wednesday 24 October 2012

Well Being Wednesday: Leave It Open Or Close It?

As I sat in my kitchen yesterday morning studying for my life coaching course I stopped for a moment and sat in contemplation...

The view to my left seemed to strike a chord with's my reasoning and my views on how some people think about what they see...their thought process and how it defines who they are, their beliefs and 'self-talk'.

Monday 22 October 2012

Motivational Monday: A Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Beers

Hey folks...yes it really is you thought I'd been abducted by aliens or something lol.  Well no...I'm still why haven't I been blogging?  It's not like I have a job to keep me busy....right?  Well I can't agree nor disagree with that...but I have been keeping myself busy with the caddying and the new addition to the Snoop...he's a Labrador I got at just 8 weeks old and is now 17 weeks and growing like you wouldn't believe.  If you live in Australia you may well be meeting him sometime soon via one of the tunnels he's digging in my garden!!!