It’s been a while since I’ve written a Motivational Monday blog...and the reason is because I’ve been doing some reading...and learning.
We are fortunate enough to live in an era that has so many publicly visible entrepreneurs that we can plug into...even if we don’t actually know them.
To think that we know it all and that we don’t need the advice of others is quite suicide. Even the likes of Peter Jones and Alan Sugar constantly seek to do discover the next big thing or fun money making opportunity.
Now granted, a lot of their success comes from determination and focus. Without focus you will lose sight of what you want to achieve. Without determination, you will simply give up. They don’t believe in failure...failure to them is simply positive NOT to do something so they can get it right the next time.
Take Sir Richard Branson...did he give up after he got arrested for illegally bringing records into Britain at the beginning of his career? Nope...he simply learned from the experience and figured out another way to do it and ended up with Virgin Records. Take Peter Jones, he knew he wanted to be successful, but needed money to get his ideas off the ground...what did he do? He set up a tennis school. Take Duncan Bannatyne...he started out by selling ice-creams from a van...and now look at him.
But what’s my point here? Well, the point is that they didn’t simply expect to make lots of money from nothing...they started out small and grew..they never got greedy...they didn’t get ahead of themselves.
So how can we plug into their brilliant minds? How can we get the advice we need without ever speaking to them?...The reading! Most high profile successful entrepreneurs have written books. Written about how they came from nothing to having everything. They give us the true insight into their minds...and give us the benefit of their misfortunes and fortunes.
The book that really changed my thinking was ‘Tycoon’ written by Peter Jones. His book really made me think deeper about how I want to be successful. Now...I’ve already written about success and what it means to me...not the money itself (although of course I’m not going to do something to not make money)......but the satisfaction of doing something well...making other people feel appreciated and a part of something...sharing the fortune amongst those that helped achieve it. Peter’s book continues to give me focus, inspiration and the information I need to be successful each and every day. I have a daily goal of learning one new thing and solving 1 challenge. Setting this small yet achievable goal gives me the positive feedback I need to carry on...the drive to do more. Now that I have this solid foundation, I’ve started to set out mid-term goals...things that I want to achieve over the next 1-3 years...things that I can strive towards...whether they be personal life achievements such as ticking off a bucket list item or perhaps a career goal of attaining new skills, attending courses, starting up something new. Take this blog for example...had you told me 12 months ago I would have a blog that achieved over 1000 hits in 3 weeks I would have told you that was far fetched...but now...I see it as an opportunity to not only speak out and share my views with the world...but as a vehicle for helping others. Sharing what I am learning with you...the audience...and if I can help just one of you achieve something...then it’s all been worthwhile.
So what is it about his book that has been such an inspiration to me? The most important thing is that he teaches you to be honest with yourself. If your idea isn’t making money...stop. But here’s the thing...analyse why it isn’t making it the product, is it the marketing, is it because there isn’t a market...or is it you! You have to be able to face up to the realities...if it’s you that’s causing the issue...get help.
He’s also taught me to set goals...honest, achievable ones...there’s no point in setting yourself a challenge of reaching the moon if you’ve never even got yourself off the ground yet...start by building something that gets you 10 feet off the ground...then 50 feet...and so on. The important thing is to set yourself check-points...things by which you can measure yourself and your success ensure you’re on the correct path.
It all boils down to planning...everything else stems off from this. Having a solid plan behind you is the key...research and development, marketing, sales forecasts, investor opportunities, premises, product, manufacturing...all of these need to be thought about, documented, protected and tested. Having a well thought out plan show’s potential investors that you have done your homework...that you’ve thought about everything from all angles and that you have not made the cardinal sin...over value your business! That’s a big no no with Peter...he hates it...and so do all investors...get real with your valuation!
I don’t want to spoil your fun in reading it so what I’d suggest is....BUY IT!
I guarantee that once you’ve read fact...whilst reading it, you will start to feel motivated...start to think differently...and start to have ideas...understand what you need to do to make them successful and have the tools you need to stay focused.
I bought the book about a year ago...lent it to someone...and never got it I’m hoping that person is using it prove to you I believe in this book...I recently bought it again!
Thanks Peter...and if you feel like sending me a free copy of ‘How to turn dreams into millions’...that would be great!
Other books I’ve read and feel offer a great source of information are...’Business Stripped Bare’ by Sir Richard Branson, ‘Enter the dragon’ by Theo Paphitis and ‘Mind Power...Change Your Mind..Change Your Life’ by James Borg.
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