Friday 7 October 2011

"Quis Separabit"... X

Sean Clifford O'Brien 25 March 1925 to 23 September 2011

As me and my family embark on a difficult day, the funeral of Uncle Sean, I try to draw strength from those around me.  I am humbled by all the kind words that have been offered by many of my friends...people that never knew him and yet can understand our pain...the world really does have some amazing, caring, sensitive people...thank you.

When I look at his picture...surprisingly, I don't feel's difficult to describe what I feel...clearly sadness... but actually I draw a smile and feel emmensly proud of what this great man gave to us.

He cared about us all deeply and always comforted us in our hours of us the strength to get back up.

Today Uncle Sean, me, my brothers and cousin Richard, will do you the great honour of carrying you...where we can only hope to show you the respect and grace befitting an Irish Guard and an amazing human being.

"Quis Separabit"...'Who shall separate us?'

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