Thursday, 20 October 2011

Why Women Should Love Golf

This one goes out to all those people that do not play golf and give their partner grief for playing it...(you could substitute it for any other sport that keeps him out of the house with his mates).

Clearly there are many thousands of women that enjoy playing golf, even if just for the social fact, the women at golf clubs seem to have more of a social side than the men do so fair play...but there are those that have zero interest in trying it and for some odd reason, hate it when their boyfriend/husband goes off at the weekend to play.

Now obviously, I am somewhat bias when it comes to the subject as it is my favourite hobby...I love nothing more than to be walking the fairways with my buddies having a crack, enjoying the sunshine and playing some good golf.  For me it’s a release...a release from not just work, but from everything else.  I find it relaxing...although some might argue with me on that one having heard me curse and throw the odd club in a fit of rage at having duffed a simple shot...or put one of my Titleist ProV1 balls into a lake at a cost of £3.33 per’s enough to make a grown man cry lol.

With that said, those that have at least seriously tried it and have hit that 1 pure shot...the one that comes plumb out the middle of the club and goes exactly where you intended it, would tell you that it gets addictive... the pursuit of recreating that moment in each and every shot is what keeps us hooked.  For that brief moment, you actually feel like a professional...and then reality sets in on the next shot.

Then there is the social element... spending hours with your buddies out on the links just seems right...I guess you could call it our ‘man cave’... a place where we can talk about whatever we want, get things off our chest and talk about plans for the next lads golfing weekend away or night out on the town.  

So here’s the thing...I really don’t get it when a guy get’s told ‘you’re not going’... if only they understood...but in actual fact...they don’t actually need to.  If only you realised that you could gain much more power by embracing it....there are other forces at work here.  If you pretend to support him in his hobby...he will naturally be much happier and not feel like he is being controlled.   He is more likely to support any activities you want to do and gives you both healthy time apart.

What’s even more annoying are those clingy women that only have one reason for disliking him going...and that’s because ‘I just want to be with you all the time’...’I want to do everything together’...’Why would you want to be away from me’...quite simply...get a grip!  It’s healthy to spend time breads conversation...if you live in each other’s pockets all day everyday life would be dull because you’d have nothing to talk about.

What woman wouldn’t want a peaceful Sunday morning to have a nice bath, pamper themselves, catch up on the soaps, go and see friends or go shopping...why would you want your man under your feet every weekend sat on the sofa watching football...or golf in my case???

When he returns from golf, he is naturally going to want to make up for the time he has been out and help out with any chores without moaning and take you out for lunch...or in my case...cook for you see there is a method to my don’t have to actually like golf...just be supportive...encourage him to go and enjoy himself...and in return, you will find him more relaxed, less argumentative, more willing to do the mundane tasks and feel happy that his partner isn’t trying to control him and would not try to do the same. the interest of balance...there are those guys that take the proverbial.  Play twice a weekend and ignore family commitments or constantly ignore requests to spend time with his partner...this I am not encouraging...guys...sort yourselves out!!!  A round of golf lasts in the region of 4-5 hours on a bad day...but it’s not just the playing that you need to take in to consideration...there is the getting there...1 hour before you start so you can have breakfast and warm up wouldn’t want him doing himself a mischief right...then the golf...and then the 19th.  All this can actually lead some cases...and I’m naming no names...Me, Shaggy & a total of about 9 hours J  But in my defence m’lord...I only partake in this kind of selfish behaviour if I have no one at home waiting for what does it matter.

In actual fact, what we tend to do, is have a couple of beers at the club house, then meet our partners down at the pub so they can listen to us recall each and every single shot lol...well...we’re trying to get you involved.

In summary, if he loves golf, restricting him from partaking in this activity is equal to him saying...’You can never buy another handbag or pair of shoes’’s just not going to work right!  Similarly, guys...understand that for the most part, your partner has no interest in it, should not be made to listen to 4 hours of it and should be made to feel like you appreciate her and the fact that you are getting to do something you enjoy so don’t push your luck.  Find a balance...make time for her, for family and for doing what needs to be done...there’s plenty of time...get up earlier!

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