Monday 5 September 2011

Blow Away Monday

Welcome to another week.. but fret not.. Monday should a happy day.. We have so much to look forward to, so much to achieve ahead of us.

If we change the way we think about a Monday it can have a profound effect on the rest of the week.  If we spent just a little time planning ahead.. setting some daily goals and understanding what needs to be done over the course of the week, we can visibly see progress.. We can feel like we are achieving something... Making a difference.

By planning ahead, anything new that gets asked of us won't seem so bad.. you will feel in control and know whether you will be able to deliver on time.  Prioritising is probably the one thing we all wish we could do more of.  To be strict on ourselves and stick to the priority list.  If you feel in control of the list, the chances are that you will produce your best work and more importantly, actually finish the tasks you set yourself.  If there are items that you don't complete, don't beat yourself up over it.  Write a new list and slot in those tasks in their rightful place.

I write lists for everything, from grocery shopping to mundane things like house work, gardening, wash the car, post a letter... it makes my life so much easier to look at the list, carry out the task and then cross it off.  I know it's been done and I can see that I have achieved something.

If you start the week feeling glum.. that it's an uphill battle.. all that will happen is that the week will drag on.. It will feel like Friday is a million miles away... don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution, which is to occupy your time....

It's no revelation that time always seems to pass by quickly when we are busy or having fun...  If we immerse ourselves in being creative.. positive.. achieving.. solving challenges.. and helping others.. before you know it, Friday will have arrived.

But don't be too hasty in running out of work.. wouldn't you want to look back at the week and take stock of what you have learned.. the people you have helped.. the challenges you solved... and maybe.. plan the following week ahead of time so you can relax and enjoy that sacred time.. The weekend.

Please send me your comments on Friday or throughout the week about how being positive impacted your week.

Whatever it is you do and whoever it is with or for, you do make a difference.

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