Wednesday 14 September 2011

Well Being Wednesday - You Can Do It

Eating healthily is not an easy thing to do when you live alone.  it’s easy to slip into the ‘I’ll just have a take away’ mentality.  It can also be difficult when living with someone due to our busy lives that mean we may eat at different you must above anything else, remain strong on this.  It’s important to fuel your body in the right way so it will perform when needed.

Eating the right foods makes you feel healthy, look healthy and
will give you more energy.  This will naturally lead to you wanting to do more energetic things.  This doesn’t have to be going to the gym, it could just be going for a walk, swimming or yoga.

Being self conscious about your body is a fear that you need to get over and realise that everyone has something about themselves they don’t like.  If people want to focus on yours, then that is their problem, they are wasting their energy on something negative.  You should focus on the positive, which is the fact that you are making a real effort to improve your health.  Don’t confuse this with getting defensive or angry that they feel this way... you simply need to ignore it or pass a very relaxed and none threatening comment ‘I’m making an effort, are you?’

Making the decision to exercise is a big one.  By the nature of actually going to the gym for example... the act of walking in the front door means you have made a positive decision to do something about your health.  You are already 1 step ahead of a lot of people that simply say they are going to start.  Any exercise you do from this point on WILL have a positive effect on both your body and your mind.

Whilst the physical act of exercise should be exhausting, the feeling I get when I walk out of the gym is fantastic...awake, alert, alive... ready to tackle the day.  Believe gets addictive!  I find that when I make time to go to the gym before work, I am much more productive throughout the day as a also remove the risk of not going after work due to a rough day at the office.  You can go home safe in the knowledge that you have done your exercise and a full day’s work.

It doesn’t need to be the gym, it can be anything really, so long as you are raising your heart rate for more than 15 minutes (tongue in cheek) could go out cycling for 20-30 minutes or a short run... all you need to do is wake 30-40 minutes earlier than you would normally to give yourself time to wake up and get ready.

Sometimes we need a little help to kick-start our training program.  This can be gained by going to places such as Military Boot camp, joining a group exercise activity such as a cycling club or running club, or getting yourself a personal trainer to push you for a few weeks to get you going and help write a diet plan.

So to those that are already active, I salute you, to those that want to...i mean REALLLY want to, I take my hat off to your and say GO FOR IT!  And if you are hell bent on staying firmly on the sofa...good luck to you.

P.S – A great friend of mine is a personal trainer and can offer advice or a personalised workout program for you... check out her website... (which I built)...

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