Sunday 4 September 2011

The Perfect Sunday

Different for everyone.. Yet we all crave it.. That one day of the week we look forward to.. The day of rest.. Or not as the case may be for many..
For me.. It starts by waking up next to that special someone.. The person you could happily lay next to for ever.. No rush to get up.. Apart from to make a brew of course..
Then it can only be bacon sandwich time.. It just seems to fit a Sunday morning.. The smell of it wafting from multiple households.. It has resurrecting powers... No matter how bad your hang over is.. The smell of cooking bacon is sure enough to bring you back to the land of the living..
Now.. Here is where I am sure we will be divided.. I love golf.. Love everything about it. I am at peace when I'm walking the fairways.. So its off to the golf club for me... I guess its only fair for the other half to be given the credit card to go and do some retail therapy..

So now we are early afternoon.. The round of golf is complete.. A couple of beverages in the 19th.. Then its off home.. For me to cook the roast dinner..
Cooking is something I enjoy.. The flavours.. The smells... The tasting.. The pleasure in creating something for others to consume and maybe.. Just maybe.. Enjoy.. With a nice glass of wine.. Beef, pork, lamb or chicken.. I don't mind.. Each one has their own qualities.. Beef with Yorkshire's.. Lamb with mint sauce.. Pork with crackling.. Chicken with stuffing.. All made complete with the most important part of the dinner.. The roast potatoes.. I'm quite particular about my roasties... Part boiled for 7-8 minutes.. Then cooked in goose fat..for 1hr to the dot.. Crispy on the outside.. Light and fluffy on the inside.. All about the right potatoes..
So once that has been consumed.. Its decision time.. Do you go for a cheesecake??? Or my favourite.. Treacle sponge and custard.. Aye.. Grand!
So you settle down together on the sofa to watch the end of the European tour golf (told you I'm a golf nut)...
An evening walk along the river watching the sun set is a great way to unwind and clear your head ready for the upcoming darkest day of the week... Monday!
If I were to end the day in the perfect way it would be massaging one another to iron out the knots.. To get to know one another's body.. Completely.. To feel totally comfortable baring all.. Letting yourself go and enjoying the soft music.. The scent of the oils..
As you both drift off into a peaceful sleep.. doing what makes us feel alive... Dreaming!
Good night.. Sweet dreams.
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