Tuesday 27 September 2011


Berts back online...but unfortunately, now is a very sad time for me and my family as we prepare to pay our final respects to my mum’s uncle and my godfather, Sean O’Brien.

I’m not sure anything I can say will ever take away the pain my family is feeling right now... so...I’d like to say a few words that I hope will explain what he meant to us.

To my mum’s cousin...Sharon...I’m so sorry for your loss...we truly feel your pain and will be doing all we can to support you through this difficult time.

He was more than just ‘Uncle Sean’... he was a father figure to my mum.  Sadly, we never got to know my mum’s parents in respect of my mum’s wishes so to have Sean in our lives even more was a blessing.

He will be remembered in the hearts of all that knew him as being a lively, caring, strong, true gentleman who made us all laugh with his openness and charisma...especially with the ladies.

Roughly 27 years ago, he developed neck cancer...had surgery...and came through it...thank goodness...then 15 years ago, he developed lung cancer and had to have half a lung removed, so as you can imagine, it took some time to pull through, but pull through he did...fighting...showing his Irish Guard nature...but surprisingly, he managed to get back to living his life with some degree of comfort...although he had to quit the cigarettes, which he wasn’t too pleased about.  He later developed angina and was on lots of medication, but yet he still fought on... still showed the world he wasn’t ready to leave us just yet...and still enjoying the ‘odd’ whisky...not that any of us believed him...he adored his double malt.

Unfortunately, his cancer came back around 3 years ago, this time in his prostate putting him in extreme discomfort... moving to his spine over the last 9 months...gees...will you give this guy a break....but did he moan...did he grumble...did he ask for anything...no.  He did what we love him for...he carried on...still trying to be as active as his body would let him.

The courage and determination I’ve seen from him humbles me...and yet, strangely...inspires me.  I find myself full of mixed emotions...teary one minute...and then the next smiling as I recall all the good times he gave us...and if you ever needed to know anything about history to do with the royal family...he was like an encyclopaedia...unbelievable memory..right up until the moment he left us...which is such a shame when you see someone deep inside so alive and wanting to live and yet his body failing him.

All that had been touched by his life are deeply saddened...as my mum says ‘he’s left a big hole in all our lives’.   

I’d like to say thank you to those that have expressed their condolences and reached out to our family in support...we do very much appreciate it.

How can I possibly end this on a happy note?...quite honestly, I can’t...but I’ll try closing on reflection.

As I sit here remembering...picturing him laughing...looking down on us... I know he wouldn’t want us all to be upset...but right now Sean...i’m afraid the pain is just too much...we miss you already.

I will always be grateful for having spent time with you...you are one of the kindest, most sincerest gents I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

We are somewhat comforted that your suffering and pain is gone and you are at peace.

You will always be in our thoughts and our hearts.

Love always.


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