Friday 23 September 2011

Thank You!

Here it is people...your favourite day of the week...finally the weekend is in sight...pubs, bars and clubs all over the world have your name on the guest list and a bottle of vodka has your name on it.

I want to start today’s post by saying a big thank you.  To you, the readers.  I could never
imagine that within just 3 weeks I would have had hit the 1000 views mark for the site.  It’s both humbling and rewarding... and it’s all down to you.

I know some of you out there read for laughs and think I’m an idiot for doing it...where do I think this stuff I the one on  And to you I say...I’ll meet you down the pub for a pint...unless your my stalker ex.

To those that have shown me support and offered kind words of encouragement, I say thank you again.  You’ve inspired me to carry on.

How bitter sweet things can I sit here contemplating what to write for today and smiling at reaching my first target of 1000 views, I get a call from my mum informing me that my godfather is about to pass away... that end...I feel it inappropriate to write something funny, something witty, something to give those critics the ammunition to ridicule me with...

It makes you realise that you just don’t make enough time to spend with the ones that matter, again, you don’t mean to, you get drawn into the rat race and sometimes lose sight of where you should be.  I for one intend to change that.  I make a promise to you all, that I will be making time, for phone calls, texts, emails, visits and be with the ones that I love...

It’s family time.

Have a great weekend...

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