Saturday 3 September 2011

I'm so glad people are different..

Wouldn't the world be a dull place if we were all the same? If we all liked the same things.. Had the same views, beliefs and opinions... We all liked the same sports teams and the same food...
That honestly sounds to me like it would an awful thing... Life is so much more interesting because we all have our own perspective, our own likes and dislikes.. We enjoy conversation and debate about things we agree or disagree upon..

I'm fascinated by what pleases people.. On my night out last night I dared to ask the question of my friends... What was your 'high' and 'low' from the week...To some it was as simple as being with a particular person.. For others its about food.. For others watching their children leave the nest to start a new life.. We didn't really focus on the lows to be honest.. We had a great time talking about the highs...
I'm so glad we are different... Happy Saturday everyone
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