Wednesday 7 September 2011

I'm No Hero....But I Know Quite A Few!

I often hear this word branded around...I’ve even been called one myself... I immediately react by saying ‘I am not a hero’... yes I might help people with computers or daily work challenges... but a hero.. really?  Most definitely not!

In my humble opinion, there are many ‘true’ heroes/heroines...many professions, many people that go unrecognised for their true heroic acts... doctors and nurses that perform miracles and save lives every minute of every day... firemen that run into blazing properties, children that look after their sick parents, and one that is close to me, the men and women of our armed forces.

It therefore seems unthinkable that for the most part, these brave people go about their daily lives unreservedly giving... helping others without a second thought.. and yet get paid so little by our government....and get thanked or respected even less... by us...the general public.

How can it be right that a teacher whose job it is to educate our children....our future... can barely afford to house themselves within the local areas to their schools... or that nurses that work long shifts and need to be close by to the hospital in case of an case one if us is admitted with life threatening injuries or illness, struggle to afford housing close to the hospitals we so desperately need them to attend.

Sending good people to fight battles we may or may not agree on is a choice you and I don’t have.... yes they sign up and know what they are getting themselves into, but does that excuse low pay.... quite!  These men and women are waging wars against enemies they can’t see... against bombs they can’t hear coming, trying to restore law and order when being shot at by children or adults that look like civilians.  So what about the injured servicemen and women that return from war.... why should they have to struggle and fight for compensation to lead some sort of normal life after such devastation...?  It seems there is an unjust... 

We have so many millionaires... so many multi-millionaires, even billionaires.. people that cannot possibly ever spend the money they have within their lifetime, or the lifetime of their family...surely they could do more... and I don’t mean by paying more taxes that the government would just keep or ‘claim’ they are doing good with... how about they actually take direct action... how about they hold parties or arrange fun days to say thank you... or build private schools to educate the children of these people at no cost to the parents if they belong to our NHS, Emergency Services or Armed Forces.. what does the government offer... tax credits... ha.. and we wonder why ‘some people’ choose not to work... it’s actually not cost effective for them to do so... they pay more in childcare when working and would be left with less money than if they were on benefits... surely we should be encouraging people to take up nursing, to be a teacher, to become a fire fighter.....we can do more to make it a more attractive offer.... I’d take 1% of the bankers bonuses and donate it to schools, hospitals and facilities that help injured servicemen.... we have them to thank for the mess we are in.. the least they can do is return the thanks by giving some of the money back!  Or how about using that money to build ‘true’ affordable housing for these people... build them and sell them/rent them at cost value... why make money from’ve already made enough from us!

Yes we the public can raise money for them and I applaud those that do... but we can do much more....something that costs nothing, something that makes a difference...the next time you see someone in uniform...a member of OUR military, a Nurse... a Fire fighter or Ambulance Medic (the list goes on).... I urge you, I plead with you, show them the encouragement and support they need to carry on, to keep giving, to stay selfless....say ‘thank you’.... They are our Heroes!

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