Wednesday 21 September 2011

Well Being Wednesday - Detox Your Friends

Welcome to my second favourite day of the week...and not because it’s ‘hump day’ as some people call it... i.e. once we get past today there is less of the week left at work.  I like it because it’s Well Being Wednesday.  A day dedicated to making me feel good and hopefully, some of you feel better about yourselves.

So I mentioned on Monday that I am studying the ‘Detox Your Life’ book... I’m nearly half way through it... and it makes for an interesting read.  Yes there’s some cliché stuff in there but
for the most part, it talks a lot of sense.  So what have I learned thus far that I can share with you all?

‘Detox your friends’ – WOW... sounds harsh...but the more I read on it, the more I feel this can actually have a very positive impact on my life.  We all have some great friends out there, the ones that are there for us unconditionally...would be there in a heartbeat if we called on them.  But what about those ones that we can never rely on...those that only take from the friendship and never give back.  The ones that are emotionally and physically draining... the ones that constantly moan and talk about themselves and about how life sucks and ‘why don’t I have nice things’ or ‘life’s so unfair’.  You even get the ones that do nothing but take the mickey out of you, that constantly use you as a source of social embarrassment for their pleasure.

Do we really need them in our lives?  What impact is it having on us?  I am inclined to believe that we should actually distance ourselves from these people... make them ‘acquaintances’ rather than ‘friends’.  We will of course be polite whenever we see them, which hopefully will be less and less, because we are nice people and we don’t want to be rude.

I for one believe that this will have a positive impact on your life.  It will make you feel better cleansing your life of these ‘toxic’ people.  They may actually be a ‘toxic partner’... someone that you really aren’t happy being with but have just been drifting along with when all around you people have been telling you to ditch them... but that’s for another post.

I urge you to take a look at your friends and decide which ones are truly your friends... and which ones are soon to become acquaintances. the interest of balance... we need to reconnect with someone we have for whatever reason, become disconnected from.  These are the types of people that you can go months, if not years without speaking to, but yet when you do see or speak to them you carry on like you just spoke to them yesterday.  We don’t mean to lose touch with them... it just happens.  We move away, they move away, our jobs, family or hobbies take over and we just drift apart...such a shame.  I am guilty of this, I’m not ashamed to admit it, and if you look at yourself truthfully, I think you will find you are too.

Make a mends today... pick up the phone, call...text, email, IM, Facebook, however you want to do it, reconnect with that person you have lost touch with.  Bring them back in your life, and hopefully for good.  See how you feel after you get off the phone to them or when they reply to your email...i bet you’re smiling and feeling much happier... and so you’ve made a positive step to better life.

Whilst we’re on a roll...why not look back at the things you used to enjoy...whether it be a hobby, a sport or a social thing...we all did one of these things growing up... and I’m not talking about going back to Boy Scouts or Brownies...that would just be wrong lol... I’m talking about something you felt you were good at and enjoyed but lost touch with because life took over.  Well now we’re adults, we have choices, we can manage our time accordingly, so why not make time to relieve your youth and bring back all those happy memories...even if it’s just a one off... if it makes you feel’s worth it.

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