Monday 12 September 2011

Don't Worry...It's Out There

We’re all looking for our ‘purpose’ in life.  The job that finally feels like it was made for us.  The job that gives us rewards both financial and personally.  But sometimes it takes longer for us than it does for others.  We must learn to accept this and move forward, life will seem much easier if you can achieve this mindset.  However, we must continue striving to find it by putting ourselves in front of as many people as we can, by asking as many questions of people about what they do, how they got into it, what did it take, what do they enjoy about it.  It is this kind of thinking
and attitude that leads us towards success... and that funny comment we get from others... ‘You’re so lucky’.  I beg to differ...just put yourself in as many positive situations as you will get noticed!

We should try to find a career that suits our personality.  Something that allows you to act naturally.  Something that lets you feel you are using your creative juices, having an influence and that you are valued. 

Focus on something that you enjoy, something that challenges you and gives you a sense of satisfaction... and importantly, something that has visible goals that can be achieved.

If you are within the industry you want to be in but not making the move up the corporate ladder the way you want, you must set yourself apart from others.... show your value, make the powers that be sit up and notice you.

We can do this by speaking up in meetings or situations where management are in attendance.  Let them know you have an opinion and are not afraid to voice it.  But tread carefully, make sure you have evidence to back up any statements you make or are prepared to offer a solution to any challenges you are facing.  Show that you are thinking about progressing, about solving business challenges and that you feel comfortable in talking about it.

We can also show our strengths in what looks like a negative how you can handle pressure. An example of this would be if an error was made at work, whether your fault or not, don’t focus on blame...focus on a solution.  People want to see what kind of a person you are, it is these moments that define us, make yourself stand out by being the one to help move things forward.  

Stopping to take a hold of a situation is always best.  Take a few moments, if people interrupt, politely state ‘can you give me just a few minutes please, I’m just figuring something out and I’ll get right back to you’.  Then, assess what has happened, who was involved, what the impact of the mistake is, what the implications are and most importantly, what needs to be done to rectify the situation.  Then, offer your solution to the person that needs to hear it, so they understand the challenge.  They will see that you are completely in control of the situation.  You will find that taking this approach within work will reflect in how you deal with personal challenges.

So how can we find out which career would be good for us?  This is the big question.

In my opinion and as harsh as this may sound, we need to work this out for ourselves.  Having someone ‘telling us’ we must do something or that it is ‘perfect for you’ doesn’t quite have the same effect as if you arrive at the result ourselves.  With that said, we absolutely must discuss it with others...get ideas, get feedback, ask questions, don’t be afraid to try new things.  If someone asks you to try something you have never done before, jump at the chance, experience it, understand it and learn from it.  And then decide if it’s for you.  If it isn’t, at least you have given it a go and crossed it off your list as something achieved.

The first thing to do is to make a list...(I like a good list)... write down your skills, your strengths and weaknesses... what would be our perfect job? What industry would we like to be in?  Would being in that position actually pay the bills?  Would it mean sacrificing everything?  Is it simply just a dream?  We have to keep a grip on reality...but... nothing is impossible!  We have to believe that or nothing will happen.

As the saying goes...‘If we keep doing what we’ve always done... we’ll keep getting what we’ve always got!’  We have to make a change for anything to happen.  Change is scary...for everyone, don’t forget that.  Even the most successful of entrepreneurs get nervous and worried when making decisions that could mean losing everything, but that’s what makes them so successful... they actually follow through on their ideas.  They investigate what it takes to get to where they want to be.

And it is this method that I suggest to you that you adopt.  Once you have worked out what would be your perfect job, investigate it... don’t just sit on your backside thinking ‘it could never happen to me’.  It has to happen to someone... so why not you?  The internet can tell you pretty much anything you want to know so why not use it to find out just exactly how you could end up with that great job.  Use simple search statements such as ‘what training do I need to be a ...?’ ‘What courses should I take to be a...?’ ‘How to become a...?’  Then break it down into realistic goals and steps...remember...It isn’t going to happen over thing that is though, is your mindset!    

Write down the realistic time frame for achieving your goal.  It may be that it could take a few years to train up so we have to factor this is, work out how we can fit it in around what we are currently doing.  Break it down in to smaller, more frequent goals to show you are on track and give yourself the positive feedback that you need to keep going.

So I say ‘Don’t’s out there’... the key thing is to go out there and find it...don’t expect it to come to you!

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